Nobody wants to deal with their child being hurt or injured. But, as I know from personal experience, having kids and teens who are active in competitive sports creates a potential for injuries, one of the scariest being ACL tears.
All tagged Pediatric
Nobody wants to deal with their child being hurt or injured. But, as I know from personal experience, having kids and teens who are active in competitive sports creates a potential for injuries, one of the scariest being ACL tears.
There are so many surgical options out there for treating the young child tearing their ACL trying to minimize the risk of either arthritis or growth plate disturbance. Surgical techniques have been developed that do not require drill tunnels, tunnels that do not cross the growth plate, and even repairing the torn ACL directly without replacing it.
In this post focusing on the pediatric ACL, Dr. Bill Sterett talks about ACL injuries in kids and adolescents. When is it time for kids to get ACL surgery? What are the unique factors when it comes to the children's ACL injuries. And more...